We feel blessed to be able to travel and marvel at God's wonderful creation. Please join us for the ride through our blog.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Workamper Appreciation Party

 Even though we were not Official workampers this year, because of all our volunteer work we were invited to the end of the season Workamper Appreciation Party.  What a great time it was!  The evening started with music by the Country Roland Band, followed by a fantastic dinner of steak, baked potato, salad with strawberries, corn on the cob, and to top it off, cherry, apple or pecan pie with vanilla ice-cream.  It was so nice to sit and enjoy a dinner prepared by others and served to us.  After dinner everyone enjoyed singing and dancing to the band.

Our wonderful resort managers, Guy and Juanita hosted the party, and boy do they know how to do it up.  They even joined in the fun and dancing afterwards.
Everything is bigger in Texas, even the steaks!
The tables were decorated with sunflowers, red bandana napkins, Texas shaped condiment trays and we even had dishes instead of using paper plates.  Each couple received a mason jar topped with red gingham, and raffia, and filled with lemon drops.  Guy and Juanita painted Bluebonnets on each one, the Texas flower.

Of course us girls were out on the dance floor.  Especially after a few beers or glasses of wine.
Country Roland Band, a favorite of Bentsen Palms.

Sugar Cane in the Rio Grande Valley

 One of the things we were able to experience while here in Texas was the harvesting of sugar cane.  The sugar cane fields are approximately 1/2 mile from our resort.  On the far side of the fields is the Rio Grande River where the Mexicans swim across and try to enter the US by hiding in the sugar cane fields.  Opposite is a picture of a border patrol lookout, scouting for the illegals in the fields.  It took 3 days to harvest the sugar cane.  The combines cut off the green tops of the cane and the stalks are sent along the conveyer to the large trucks.  From here they are taken by trucks to the mills to be made into sugar.  When this is done, the field is burned.  Unfortunately we saw the fields burning but could not catch a close-up photo of it.  Large pieces of ash landed in the RV park, on our patio and in the pool as well as on us.  Fortunately we had not washed or waxed the rig yet.  For more info on harvesting the sugar cane in the Rio Grande Valley see http://www.rgvsugar.com/process.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Clean Again!

 After trying to figure out how we were going to bathe the boys on the road without using our shower, we came upon this portable tub at Target.  It is the perfect size for Mickey but a little tight fit for Jerry.  We have been quite busy washing and waxing the trailer and decided to take a break from it and wash the boys instead. 
A perfect fit!

Shaking off the excess water.
Our favorite part - drying off in the warm sun!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Backyard Neighbors

 One of the best things about our site here at Bentsen Palms is the fact that it backs up to a farmer's field.  And having a large window in the rear of our 5th wheel is a huge advantage.  When we are not busy with all the activities in the park we love to sit behind the RV and look out at the Brahma Bulls and cows.  This past week three calves were born.  It is so cute to watch them wobble on their weak little legs following their moms.

Country Chicken Barbecue

Ray serving rice and beans with our good friend, Jim.
 The largest event at the park this season!  The managers of the park, Guy and Juanita, along with the activities team decided to have the first chicken barbecue ever held at the park.  Because we will be on the team next year we spent the day helping.  It was a wild time with music by Country Roland Band (who by the way is Guy's cousin).  Unfortunately the weather was quite cold and damp but no one seemed to mind.  They were too busy enjoying the food and dancing all afternoon to great music. Everyone is looking forward to the 2nd Annual Barbecue next year!
The barbecue wagon!

Country Roland Band

Great day on the River with Friends

Another day in Paradise!

A boat full of Mexicans partying down the river
One of our new places we visited this year in the Rio Grande Valley was the Riverside Club.  We invited our neighbors and good friends, Tom and Carol Sykes to go with us.  We enjoyed a cold beer and great company, along with the peacefulness of being near the water and listening to music. 

Aloha from Texas

All decked out for Hawaii
A sampling of the decorated tables
Our good friends Bruce and Patsy McCowan
This month we attended an Hawaiian dinner hosted by the activities team (which we will be a part of next year).  Each couple brought an Hawaiian dish.  We dined on Pineapple chicken bites, ham, Cabbage stuffed with rice and pineapple, and to top it off, a delicious cake.  Prizes were awarded for the most decorated table and the best dressed couple.  This was a well attended event and a great time was had by all.