It started Saturday night with Jerry waking us up with a terrible cough. It reminded us of the kids when they were young and had croup. We had no idea what the problem was but of course, the vet was closed on Sunday and he was still coughing. We recalled that one of our friends who we play cards with was a retired veterinarian and decided to see what he thought. Of course Jerry, being the perfect dog that he is, performed perfectly by coughing for him. It turns out that he had swallowed a bur. They are very plentiful here this year due to the very dry weather. It was lodged in his windpipe and all we could do was wait for him to dislodge it or for it to dissolve. After two days he was back to his old self. We are so thankful for that.
Tuesday evening our park managers, Guy and Juanita had a party to welcome all the work campers. It was held at their favorite restaurant, Agave, where we had a great dinner followed by dancing afterward.
We have begun working in Activities, with our first coffee hour and Margarita night. It was nice to see so many of our old friends back, but just as nice to meet some of the new guests in the park and welcome them.
That takes us to Thanksgiving Day, where as part of the activities team we hosted a wonderful dinner attended by 96 people. The turkey was prepared by a restaurant here in the valley, and each couple at the table brought a side dish. We were fortunate to have such great volunteers to help us with set up and clean up. To top it off, it was a beautiful 85 degree day, perfect for taking a walk after dinner and visiting friends.
I have to say, as great as all this was, nothing was as special as face-timing with our kids, being able to see them together, chat with them, and even see our granddogs. We have so much to be thankful to God for!
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